Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What does reoccurring theme in these dreams mean?

So a little background first. The high school i attend is fairly new, it was remodeled in 2003. There was a pool inside the school, but there isnt one in the new high school. So Thursday night I had a dream about the old high school and i was looking at the old pool, and then later in the dream i saw my ex (who i am still entirely in love with). Friday night I was at the new high school talking to my ex. Then i left and was at the old pool (but in the dream the old pool was in the new high school) I had to jump into the pool and swim to get across. then last night (Saturday) i had a dream that was similar, the old pool was in the new school and i had to jump in and swim to the other side. Then i went and was with my ex. In the dreams in both Friday and Saturday there was a danger with jumping into the water, but i had to do it. All of these dreams involved the old pool and my ex and i just want to know what it means. The only thing i can find that remotely relates my ex and the pool is that my ex is a swimmer, but he never swam at that old pool. The only reason I really remember it is because that's where i took swimming lessons and my siblings swam there. what does these mean and why do i keep dreaming about them?

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